The impacts of climate change in olive orchards and mitigation solutions, were presented on TV Creta and SKAI Kritis 92,1 FM radio interview.
An interview on TV Creta and on SKAI Kritis 92,1 FM radio, was given by Dr Emmanouil Kabourakis, coordinator of the LIFE IGIC project, discussing
Decision Support Tool for Green Infrastructure (DST-GI)
In the context of the LIFE IGIC project, for the large-scale implementation of Green Infrastructure (GI) development, the Laboratory of Olive and Agroecological Production Systems
Factors affecting floristic diversity in olive orchards and the importance of GI development, for adaptation of olive orchards to climate change, was highlighted at the 18th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society (H.B.S.) in Thessaloniki, Greece.
Life IGIC project’s results on floristic diversity of olive orchards, were presented at the 18th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society (H.B.S.), which took
LIFE IGIC was presented at the workshop “The role of Operational Groups, for the adaptation of perennial crops to climate change”
In the context of the EU HORIZON project “CLIMED FRUIT”, a workshop on “The role of Operational Groups, for the adaptation of perennial crops to
A visit at the olive orchards of LIFE IGIC in the context of the annual meeting of the EU project CLIMED-FRUIT
A visit to the olive orchards of the EU LIFE IGIC project, took place on Wednesday 24th of October 2024, in the context of the
Educational walk and talk session related to the edible flora of olive groves took place at the campus and olive grove of the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU)
In the framework of the project LIFE IGIC, an interactive walk and educational talk, leaded by Antonia Vogiatzaki (Member of the LIFE IGIC team), related
The project LIFE IGIC – Improvement of Green Infrastructure in agroecosystems: reconnecting natural areas by countering habitat fragmentation – LIFE16 NAT/GR/000575 is being implemented with the contribution of the LIFE Programme of the European Union. Also, the project is being implemented with the contribution of the Green Fund.